Our Learning Week

Our Learning this Week

Nursery week ending 5/2/16


Language, Literacy and Communication


This week Ben and Betty have introduced us to the sound O.The children have shared stories with O in the title. They have especially liked the story of Owl Babies and they have enjoyed learning about where owls live and how they hunt. The children have role played in the pretend Opticians and have learnt about what happens when eyes are tested for glasses. The children have learnt how to form the letter O using paint, foam and printing techniques.

Mathematical Development

The children have been practicing their counting skills again this week and learning to recognise numbers 1 to 10.The children have practiced ‘Odd one out’ this week and they have recognised some odd numbers. The children have ordered numbers 1-10 and they have used the numicon to make patterns. We have practiced the directional language-under and over.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World


The children have been taste adventurers again this week! They have tasted olives and oranges and they have made onion soup. The children have looked inside an onion to see how it is formed in layers. The children have watched videos of owls flying and how they swoop down to catch their prey. The children have learnt about what happens in an optician’s shop and why it is important to look after your eyes. The children have sorted old and new toys.





Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.

The children are getting very good at lining up and this week we have seen some lovely moments of caring and sharing. We have talked about looking after older people this week and how they need our help at times. I have been very pleased with the good manners shown this week and we are hearing please and thankyou more often now. Well done!

 Creative Development.

 The children have made owls and they have printed with onions and oranges. The children have painted 0 shapes and used tubes to print 0 shapes. The children have used chalks in the outside area to create shapes.

Physical Development

The children have played some new games this week and learnt some simple rules. We have learnt the rhyme ‘Oranges and Lemons’ and we have played games using  directional and positional language like on,off and opposite.

Welsh Language Development

The children are continuing to develop their greetings and they are now responding well to simple instructions. The children are responding well to stories read to them in welsh and responding to welsh stories on the whiteboard.

                     Anything else…

Thank you for your support again this week. Next week we will be learning all about the letter P. We will be having a pirate and princess party on Friday 12th. Everyone is welcome to dress up!

Diolch yn fawr.


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