Our Learning this Week

Nursery week ending 22/1/16


Language, Literacy and Communication


This week Ben and Betty have introduced us to the sound m. The children have listened to stories with m in the title and they have learnt rhymes beginning with m. They have collected items beginning with m and placed them in our basket. The children have role played this week using a pretend market stall. The children have learnt the new vocabulary associated with a market stall and used money to pay for their shopping.

Mathematical Development

The children have been practicing their counting skills again this week and learning to recognise numbers 1 to 5. The children have responded well to stories about the numbers 1-5.The children have been practicing the concept of ’one more’ in numeracy and they have used pretend money in the market stall.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

 The children have learnt about mice this week. They have tasted melon,mango, marmite on toast and marmalade. The children have played with mud and made mud pies and muddy handprints in the outside area. The children have tasted marshmallows and made marshmallow men.






Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.

The children have been reminded about taking turns and sharing toys and equipment again this week. We have talked about good manners this week and how it is important to say please and thankyou.

 Creative Development.

 The children have painted and made mice masks. They have made marshmallow men. The children have made models of their favourite animal using the construction equipment.

Physical Development

The children have played some new games this week and learnt some simple rules. They have practiced their fine motor skills and their cutting skills are improving. We have enjoyed playing outside with the balls and using the bikes and scooters. The children have learnt to move like different animals.

Welsh Language Development

The children are continuing to develop their greetings and they are now responding well to simple instructions. The children are responding well to stories read to them in welsh and responding to welsh stories. The children have been baking their heart biscuits for St Dwynwen’s Day next week.

                      Anything else.

 If you have any difficulties with the reception registration forms, please let us know. We are happy to help!

Thank you for your support again this week. Please can I remind you to send in fruit money regularly. Many thanks. Diolch yn fawr.


Our Learning this Week

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