Nursery Weekly Update 13th March 2015

Our Learning this Week

Language, Literacy and Communication


This week Ben and Betty have been teaching us the letter sound “s”. We read the story “The snail and the Whale”.

We talked about whether we wold rather be the snail or the whale and give a reason for our answer.

We made s shapes out of stones outside.
Our Write Dance had up and across movements as we pretended to climb a staircase.


Mathematical Development


We practised recognising numbers by completing a snail dot to dot. We talked about what number came next ad looked on or kite number line for help.


Knowledge and Understanding of the World


We have started gardening outside in preparation for Swansea in Bloom. As well as talking about why we needed to pull up the weeds and talking about why we can’t pick the pretty daffodils that has sprung up in the garden, we also found some little snails, just like the ones that hitched a ride with the whale!

Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.


We talked about people who are special to us and why they are special. Children used the computer to draw their favourite people.



Creative Development


We drew around our hands to make lovely stretchy message cads for our special people.

Physical Development


We listened to instructions on the Busy Feet CD, as well as making creative movements with Write Dance.

Welsh Language Development



We have been listening to longer sentence patterns being used in the classroom during routines, such as “Mae h’in amser…” (it is time to….) and  “Beth wyt ti’n eisiau?” (What would you like to eat?)

                      Anything else…



All you Mums and Nanas out there…have a look in Saturday’s Evening Post as you may find a surprise message from your littlest fans!

Have a good weekend.




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