Our Learning this Week
Nursery week ending 18/9/15
Language, Literacy and Communication
This week Ben and Betty have introduced us to the sound b. We read the story Big Blue Balloon and other titles beginning with the sound b. The children suggested objects starting with the initial letter and we looked in the sound tub for some clues. The children have practiced copying the b shape in foam and paint. The children have collected items beginning with b. The children have sung rhymes linked with the sound-’ Ten Green Bottles’ and ‘ Baa Baa Blacksheep.’ |
Mathematical Development
The children have sorted buttons and threaded beads on a string. They have weighed out ingredients to make biscuits. We have talked about lining up ‘behind ‘ each other. The children have learnt new number rhymes and played interactive counting games on the computer/whiteboard. |
Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
The children have tasted bread and butter and made brown biscuits. They have experienced a Teddy Bears picnic and eaten food beginning with b and tasted blackcurrant juice. They have learnt to perform the butterfly life cycle in movement. They have investigated bubbles and floated boats in water play. They have bounced balls and used bats. In the outside area, some children have looked for bugs.
Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.
The children have been reminded about taking turns and sharing toys and equipment again this week. They have practiced good sitting and listening. The children have taken turns to give out the snack and milk. The children have learnt the Please and thankyou Song’. The older children have been encouraged to help the younger children with coats and fastenings. They have done well and we have some lovely helpers! |
Creative Development.
The children have painted butterflies with blue, black and brown paint. They have created bubble pictures using bubbles and paint. The children have used instruments to make a Big Band. The children have created bridges using the construction equipment and tested their strength with cars. The children have made sandcastles using buckets in the sand area. |
Physical Development
The children have learnt the Life cycle of a butterfly using movement and we have created movements to describe the egg, caterpillar ,cocoon and butterfly emerging. The children have threaded beads on a lace to improve their fine motor skills. |
Welsh Language Development
The children have practiced simple greetings and revised the weather in welsh. They help to change the weather board. The children have learnt the song ´Beth sy yn y bocs?’
Anything else…
Thanks for all your contributions to the Teddy Bears Picnic and please if you have any worries let us know. |