Our learning this week.

Our Learning this Week

Nursery week ending 25/9/15


Language, Literacy and Communication

This week Ben and Betty have introduced us to the sound c. We read the story of Solomon Crocodile and other titles beginning with the sound c. The children suggested objects starting with the initial letter and we looked in the sound  basket for some clues. The children have practiced copying the c shape in foam and paint and looked for c shapes in the sand. The children have collected items beginning with c. The children  have learnt the clapping song and new finger rhymes.

Mathematical Development

The children have been practicing their counting skills this week and they have learnt some new rhymes including’ Five little speckled frogs’ and ‘Five little ducks’. The children have practiced counting with a variety of objects in the outside and inside areas. The children have been introduced to a cube and cuboid.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World.


 The children have tasted a variety of foods beginning with the letter c like cucumber and carrots. They have made cheese straws and tasted cheese and crackers. The children have learnt about camouflage in the outside area and made a pretend campfire using collected sticks. They have made a soup in a cauldron!  The children have tasted a cup of tea and we have talked about where tea comes from.







Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.

The children have been reminded about taking turns and sharing toys and equipment again this week. They have practiced good sitting and listening.  The children have taken turns to give out the snack and milk. They have become very confident using the mood board and like to tell Rhodri how they are feeling. The older children continue to help the younger ones and this is very pleasing to see! I am especially pleased with their efforts to say please and thankyou as we have been reminded about good manners this  week.

 Creative Development.

 The children have have printed with cauliflowers and made caterpillars using paint and courgettes. They have made caterpillars using dough and used crayons to draw pictures. The children have cut up pictures to make a collage.

Physical Development


The children have practiced fine and gross motor skills this week. They have practiced their cutting skills in a variety of activities including cutting pictures from a catalogue to make a collage. The children have practiced jumping over obstacles and landing safely.

Welsh Language Development

The children have practiced simple greetings and revised the weather in welsh. They help to change the weather board. The children have learnt  a song about colours and we have revised feelings/colour vocabulary.


                     Anything else…


Thanks for all your support this week. Please come to speak to us if you have any issues or worries. Diolch yn fawr.


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