A busy start for Nursery

Welcome back to Bumblebees Nursery!! It was lovely to see familiar faces and meet new little faces on their first day.

We have been so proud at how the children have settled in and quickly found their way around the classroom.

The children have been learning about the things we should do to follow our class charter and we have been getting to know Rhodri our Rights Respecting Dragon by passing him around our circle and saying “Bore Da” to him.

The children have been exploring the new layout of the classroom and have lots more room to play, investigate and have fun learning. 

We are looking forward to next week when we will start our Ben and Betty phonics activities, starting with the letter sound “a”.

I look forward to seeing parents on Friday 13th September at 11am in the Nursery for a welcome meeting. Your child will be able  to show you their favourite areas to play in and the staff will be able to answer any questions you may have about Nursery.

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