AM Nursery 14/02/2014

Our Learning this Week
Nursery (AM) 14th February 2014

Language, Literacy & Communication


Ben and Betty have been teaching us the sound “r” this week. We made rainbow shapes and practiced writing “r” in the rice trays.

We wrote birthday cards for Rhodri and posted them into our new class postbox.

We have enjoyed listening to and talking about the story of Red Riding Hood.


Mathematical Development


We put pictures of Numicon shapes in order and stuck them in a line. The children will be bringing their Numicon number lines home with them which will help them with their counting. Play games where you count objects and then point to the correct Numicon on the number line or if you spot a number around the house, point to the matching Numicon shape.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World


We explored which objects rolled or didn’t roll down the ramp. The children were encouraged to make guesses before trying.


We made rainbow cous cous salad using healthy colourful peppers. It was also interesting to see the cous cous change from a small amount of hard grains to a larger amount of soft fluffy grains…just from adding water!

Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity


To celebrate Unicef’s Day for Change, we talked in class about what we would like to change about Nursery. The children gave some very creative such as, “Have a bus driver bring me to school”, “Have policemen as teachers” and “Have lollipops to lick!”

Creative Development


We sang the rainbow song and then painted our own rainbows using all the colours.

Physical Development


We did “The Rainbow” in Write Dance which meant making large arched movements with our arms.

We also played a whole class game of Ring a Roses and we explored rolling the balls with a partner.

Welsh Language Development


We tried learning the colours in Welsh when painting our rainbows – Coch (red), melyn (yellow), pinc (pink), gwyrdd (green), porffor (purple), oren (orange), glas (blue).

We are continuing to practice the Welsh song “Un bys, dau bys” for the Eisteddfod…We are getting better by the day!

Anything else!


Keith Towler, the Children’s Commisioner for Wales, came into school to celebrate Rhodri’s 5th birthday.

Thanks to everyone who donated to Unicef’s Day for Change  cause – we had fun celebrating while children who are less fortunate will benefit from our fundraising.


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