Our Learning this Week
Nursery 7th November 2014
Language, Literacy & Communication
It has been National Film Week so we have focused our literacy learning on a film called “Bubbles” by Gabriela Zapata. The children watched the film and then looked at film stills to discuss how the girl was feeling in different parts of the film. We made lots of circles with chalk to create a lovely bubbles work of art. |
Mathematical Development
Our maths work this week was inspired by fireworks. We had to try and recognise numbers 1,2,and 3, and then stick the correct number of stickers onto each rocket. We then used a pretend rocket firework to listen to instructions of where to put it, e.g. zoom it next to the books, zoom it in front of Rhodri, etc. |
Knowledge and Understanding of the World We have been using our new challenge cards in the classroom this week. In each area of learning the children can press a button to hear a recording of the challenge they need to do in each area. Exciting! Children have also been using the class camera to take photos of their finished art work. We made chocolate dipped apples on Tasty Thursday and watched how the chocolate changed from being hard to being soft and runny to dip our apples in to. |
Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity
We talked about firework safety and looked at a poster where a little boy Ben taught us to keep safe on Bonfire night. We discussed kindness when the girl in “Bubbles” decided to leave the magic bubbles for another girl who was feeling sad. |
Creative Development
Children rolled out black sparkly play dough and used ribbons and sequins to make some beautiful firework scenes. |
Physical Development
On Move-It Monday we listened to a firework rhyme and moved around like rockets, sparklers, catherine wheels and the flames on a fire. |
Welsh Language Development
We have been trying to remember our manners during snack time this week, practising how to say “diolch” when we are given our fruit and milk. Remind your child to say “diolch” when they are at home or out and about.
Anything else!
Family Learning sessions have restarted on Wednesdays at 9.30. This is a fun group where you can gain ideas on how to support your child’s learning at home and make some useful games too. Have a good weekend. |