Our weekly update 09.10.15 Reception A

Our Learning this Week

9th October 2015

Language, Literacy and Communication


We revised our first group of sounds (s,a,t,p,i,n), by playing a phonic sorting cut and stick game.


We covered our whole writing table in paper and had a challenge to cover all the paper by writing our letter sounds.

Mathematical Development


We looked at long and short and sorted objects into the right circle.

We also practised counting using construction blocks to make towers that matched the number card.


Knowledge and Understanding of the World


We watched videos of real life rescues on the RNLI website. We looked at the clothes lifeguards wear and we then coloured and dressed our own teddies. The children told me all they remembered about a lifeguard’s job.

Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.


Our school value this fortnight is respect. We read our class eco charter and talked about being respectful to our environment and our friends. We all signed it as a promise to try our best.



Creative Development


We painted the weather seen in the story “Noah’s Ark” – sun, rain and rainbows.

We sang the song “Mr. Noah had an ark…”



Physical Development


We had a great PE session with Jonathan and we followed some welsh movement  instructions when watching Fflic A Fflac.



Welsh Language Development


We read “Ffrindiau Fflic a Fflac” and watched an episode of Fflic a Fflac where they taught us how to say “What’s your name?” “Pwy wyt ti?


We also listened to some Welsh nursery rhymes.

                      Anything else…


Your child will be bringing a book bag home with them today – please look after it and its contents. Reading books will be changed at least once a week and class library day will be on Friday so make sure class library books are returned on this day.



Have a good weekend!


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