Daily Archives: November 27, 2015

Our Learning Week

Our Learning this Week

Nursery week ending 27/11/15


Language, Literacy and Communication 

This week Ben and Betty have introduced us to the sound j. The children have listened to stories with i in the title eg Jack and the Beanstalk and Jumping Jill. They have learnt the shape of the letter and looked for the letter in the sand and around the classroom. They have collected items beginning with j and placed them in our basket. The children have based their work around the rhyme Jack and Jill. They have role played the rhyme. They have learnt Little Jack Horner and the Jiggling Jelly song.

Mathematical DevelopmentThe children have been practicing their counting skills again this week and learning to recognise numbers 1 to 5. The children have responded well to stories about the numbers 1-5.The children have made beanstalks and ordered the numbers 1-5 on them. The children have made their own beanstalks and discussed the height of their beanstalk and used taller/shorter to explain the difference in height.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World The children have learnt about jungle animals this week. We have identified their favourite ones and talked about where they live and what they eat. We have talked about camouflage and how they hide themselves. The children have made jam tarts and eaten jam on toast. The children have made jelly and talked about the melting process.






Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity.The children have been reminded about taking turns and sharing toys and equipment again this week. They have practiced good sitting and listening. The children have been practicing lining up to go to the hall for practice and learning how to sit on the stage correctly to give a good performance. Rehearsals are going well!
 Creative Development. The children have painted jellyfish and created tentacles from tissue paper. The children have made beanstalks to order numbers. Physical DevelopmentThe children have played some new games this week and learnt some simple rules. They have practiced their fine motor skills and practiced further with scissors. They have played jumping games.
Welsh Language DevelopmentThe children are continuing to develop their greetings and they are now responding well to simple instructions. The children are responding well to stories read to them in welsh and responding to welsh stories on the whiteboard.                        Anything else. The school Christmas Fete will take place next Thursday Dec 3rd at 2.30pm. Please can children be picked up to attend from NURSERY door. Thank you/diolch yn fawr.
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