AM Nursery 31/01/2014

Our Learning this Week

Nursery (AM) 31st January 2014

Language, Literacy & Communication


Ben and Betty have been teaching us the sound “p” this week. We enjoyed reading “The Three Little Pigs” especially when we joined in with the huffing and puffing! We practiced our mark making by drawing a path from the pig to the correct house. We also practiced hearing the sounds “p”, “i” and “g” by sorting the picture cards onto the right house.

Mathematical Development


The three pigs made houses of straw, sticks and brick but we made a house out of….Numicon! We were exploring which Numicon shapes fitted together to make the same shape as a number 10 Numicon so that it fitted onto the house.

We also practised recognising our numbers by counting and pegging the correct number of pegs onto paper plates. The children loved this challenge.


Knowledge and Understanding of the World


We used a paint programme on the computer to draw and explore making marks.

The children also used construction kits to make things to go in a park for the small world people Children made swings, slides, roundabouts and climbing frames and then talked to the class about  what they had made.


Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity

We discussed if the Wolf did a good thing blowing down the pig’s houses. All of the children said the Wolf wasn’t kind doing that. When asked what the wolf could do to make the pigs feel better, the children answered “He should build new houses” and “He should say sorry”.

Creative Development

We painted purple and pink pictures this week. Some children had a go at painting pink pigs and purple princess and other children tried painting faces.

We have also got messy doing potato printing too!

For music we explored different noises our bodies can make…clapping, tapping, rubbing, stamping…and made patterns with the noises.


Physical Development

This week’s Move it Monday was a special treat when we had a taster session from Rugby Tots. We played with sponge rugby balls, learning how run with them, tap them on the floor and drop kick them. It was lovely to try something new and exciting.



Welsh Language Development

Children are getting very good at using their Welsh at snack time and the majority of children use “Ga i” to ask for their fruit.

We also read a story called “Sut Mae’r Tywydd?” which was a first look at how we can talk about the weather in Welsh.



Anything else!

Family storytelling on Wednesday in the infant hall. Session starts at 9.15 am and lasts for 2 hours.

Let me know if you would like to come along.


There is also a family craft session in the infant hall in Thursdays after school. There has been scarecrow making and valentine card making…come along on Thursday to see what you and your children can get creative with.


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