PM Nursery 31/01/2014

Our Learning this Week

Nursery (PM) 31st January 2014

Language, Literacy & Communication


We helped the Three Little Pigs get to their house by using the crayon to follow the trail. This helped us practice how to hold a crayon for writing.

Our favourite story this week has been “Dear Zoo”. The children enjoyed guessing what animals were hiding in the boxes.



Mathematical Development


We practised recognising our numbers by counting and pegging the correct number of pegs onto paper plates. The children loved this challenge.

We have loved the number rhymes we have been singing this week, “Five Little Ducks” and Five Little Monkeys” – see if your child can sing it for you at home.


Knowledge and Understanding of the World

We used a paint programme on the computer to draw and explore making marks.

We cooked some delicious pizzas using healthy toppings of tomato, cheese ham and mushroom…Yum Yum!


Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity

We have been learning how important it is to look after the things in our classroom by helping each other put things away at tidy up time. Some children have been superstars at doing this.

Creative Development

For music we explored different noises our bodies can make…clapping, tapping, rubbing, stamping…and made patterns with the noises.

We painted purple and pink pictures this week and got messy doing potato printing too!


Physical Development

We went in the hall for Move-it Monday and moved around the space using tiny tip-toe steps and then big stretched giant steps.

We also did Write Dance making big circle movements with our arms.


Welsh Language Development


We have been trying to remember the Welsh words for how we are feeling when we check in with Rhodri. Some of the children have been really good at it. Ardderchog!

We have also been counting in Welsh to see how many children are here.




Anything else!

Family storytelling on Wednesday in the infant hall. Session starts at 9.15 am and lasts for 2 hours.

Let me know if you would like to come along.


There is also a family craft session in the infant hall in Thursdays after school. There has been scarecrow making and valentine card making…come along on Thursday to see what you and your children can get creative with.


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