AM Nursery 07/02/2014

Our Learning this Week
Nursery (AM) 7th February 2014

Language, Literacy & Communication


Ben and Betty have been teaching us the sound “q” this week. We learnt the rhyme “The Queen of heart she made some tarts, all on a summer’s day. The Knave of hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away”.

We also looked at quills and made our own using twigs from outside and feathers. We then used them to do some fab mark-making.

Mathematical Development


We practiced counting up to five and started looking at number bonds to five by sharing jam tarts between the Queen of hearts and the Knave of hearts. We discovered that we could share five jam tarts in the following way; 5+0, 4+1, 3+2, 2+3.

We have also been making some lovely pictures using the magnetic shape boards.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World


We discussed morning routines and everything we had to do to get ready to go to school. Children looked at the picture cards and put them in the right order.


We cooked some yummy chocolate chip fairy cakes this week. Nice for a treat!


Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity

We discussed whether the Knave should have stolen the jam tarts from the Queen and most children decided that no, he shouldn’t have taken them. One child even decided the police should have been called in!

We celebrated Chinese New Year on Monday by making lanterns, using chopsticks to pick up noodles, and having a look at Chinese numbers which look very different from ours. Some of us even had a go at writing them.

Creative Development

We made a paper patchwork quilt by trying to write the first letter of our name and then decorating around it using pastels, crayons and felts.


Physical Development

This week we played musical statues to practice our listening skills and we played a movement game where we made our bodies tall and straight and then curled up small.

We also listened to some Chinese music and danced along to it.


Welsh Language Development

The children have been introduced to our daily Welsh board. Every day Tedi, Doli and Beni Bwni will be asking us three questions. “Pa ddydd ydy hi?” (What day it it?), “Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?” (What’s the weather today?) and “Beth ydyn ni’n bwyta?” (What will we eat today?)  The children will help me in finding out the right answer and having a go at saying it in Welsh.

We will be learning the Welsh song “Un bys, dau bys” for the Eisteddfod in two weeks time. I have given out a card with the words on to help you out if your child wants to sing it at home.

Anything else!


Toy Sale on Monday…all toys 50p!!!  Junior School Hall 2.30pm – 3.30pm


We seem to be getting more and more toys brought into school, which only get put into the home box until home time as the children do not play with them during the session. This means that at home time it is very busy trying to get them all out to the right children. With this in mind I think it would be best if children didn’t bring any toys into school. Thanks for your cooperation.


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