Our Learning this Week
Nursery 10th October 2014
Language, Literacy & Communication
Ben and Betty have been teaching us the sound “e” this week. We read the story of “Elmer” the elephant and talked about our favourite part of the story. We also used cuddly elephants and also masks to try and retell the story in our own way.
Mathematical Development
We had to match two halves of an egg shape by finding pairs of Numicon shapes. We were trying to recognise the Numicon shapes by looking at the colour and size of each one.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
On Welly Wednesday we collected autumn items to put into our new cauldrons. The children wrote a list of what we found before stirring it all up and singing Autumn songs.
This week’s cooking was making a healthy egg salad. |
Personal and Social Development, Well Being and Cultural Diversity
We have been practising waiting and taking turns when playing a pass the tambourine game. This will help us be more patient when we are waiting for or turn when we are playing. |
Creative Development
We used lots of different coloured squares to make our own patterned Elmer’s. They were very pretty and colourful. We also printed with cubes on a large outline of Elmer. |
Physical Development
On Move-It Monday we practised listening to welsh commands as a warm up – sefyll (Stand) and Eisteddwch (Sit down). We then did Write Dance in the hall to Kringeli Krangeli, making lots of curly movements with our hands. |
Welsh Language Development
Due to the stormy weather this week, we learned a new phrase for our Welsh board, “Mae hi’n stomus” Some of us are remembering to ask for our fruit in Welsh too, saying “Ga i…” Bendigedig!!
Anything else! Next week we are learning the letter sound “f” and will be talking about our friends. This weekend can your child draw a picture of themselves with their friend and bring it into school to talk about it. Thanks Have a great weekend |